Here are the notifications you can receive from Prisync:
Price Change Notification (Premium Plan, Platinum Plan)
- Sent via email in a user-friendly HTML layout.
- Displays all products with at least one price change.
- Can be set to daily or instant notifications based on your plan.
- No notification will be sent if there are no price changes.
Favorite Products (Premium Plan, Platinum Plan)
- Notify you of changes to specific products marked as favorites.
- You can mark products as favorites in your panel.
- Notification will not be sent if there are no changes to these selected products.
Excel or CSV Report (Premium Plan, Platinum Plan)
- Sent via email as a .zip file containing an Excel file with your account data.
- Includes product names, your prices, competitors' prices, minimum, maximum, and average prices, the cheapest and highest companies, SmartPrices, price changes, and stock information.
- Reports can be in Vertical or Horizontal format.
Stock Change (Premium Plan, Platinum Plan)
- Shows products that have become out of stock or back in stock.
- Available only as a daily report.
- Notification will not be sent if there are no stock changes.
Map Monitoring (Platinum Plan - Supplier Module)
- Sent via email in an HTML layout.
- Helps suppliers track price violations for their products in the market.
- Essential for suppliers tracking their products' prices against recommended prices.
- Notification will not be sent if there are no price violations for products in the panel.
Setting Frequency for Email Notifications
There are two options for the frequency of notifications: daily and instant.
Daily Notifications: These are sent once a day. For example, if you receive daily price change notifications, today’s prices are compared to yesterday’s. If a price change is detected, the report is sent out.
Instant Notifications: These are sent after each cycle, throughout the day. For instance, if you choose instant price change notifications, you will receive updates as soon as they are detected in each cycle, which occurs three times a day.
Please note that instant notifications are available only with the Platinum Plan.
Breaking Down the Notifications
You can also configure email notifications for specific products, collections, categories, or brands. By combining the subject and options fields, you can tailor notifications to your desired selection.
If your company has different team members responsible for various categories or brands, this feature allows each person to receive notifications relevant to their specific area, whether it's for individual products, collections, categories, or brands.